Burien advisory committee meetings now open to public

The next open meeting of the DESC Burien Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is on April 16, 5-6:30 p.m., at the Burien Library. (This meeting was moved due to a conflict for several members.)

The CAC invites the public to attend and observe committee discussions. Each meeting will include a set time for the public to ask questions and hear answers. The CAC is committed to transparency and community involvement and to fostering meaningful discussions.

The CAC brings DESC and a committee of community members together to identify, discuss and act on issues of neighborhood concern in connection with DESC’s Bloomside, Burien permanent supportive housing project nearing completion at 801 SW 150th Street.

Topics the committee may discuss include the building design, program model, services offered to tenants and interactions among tenants, DESC staff and the surrounding neighbors. The committee will make recommendations to DESC about addressing issues they identify.

The CAC meets every second Tuesday of the month, from 5-6:30 p.m., at Revelle Hall, Navos Mental Health and Wellness Center, 1210 SW 136th Street, Burien. Time and location may occasionally change, so please check this website for updates.

Agendas will be posted three to seven days before a meeting, on the DESC Burien CAC web page.

The Q & A portion of the agenda will follow established ground rules, with flexibility on time limits. The committee welcomes open dialogue and diverse perspectives for a collaborative atmosphere.

For more information, please visit our Burien PSH page, or contact Communications & Community Relations Manager Claire Tuohy-Morgan at ctuohy-morgan@desc.org.