Awards recognize DESC excellence and dedication

2021DESC Executive Director Daniel Malone on Sept. 28 accepted a Champion Barrier Breaker award from CSH at the 2021 Supportive Housing Symposium and 30th Anniversary Celebration. DESC’s work was selected due to its impact on the field of supportive housing: “DESC manages 1,400 supportive housing apartments for people with the greatest needs, is a leader in state policy advocacy and leads the national Housing First Partners Conference to help other providers and systems learn to incorporate this approach to reducing barriers to housing.” (CSH is the national leader in supportive housing, focusing it on person-centered growth, recovery and success that contributes to the health and wellbeing of the entire community.)
2020Gold Nugget Awards recognizes Clement Place as a 2020 Award of Merit winner for Best Supportive/Transitional Housing.
Executive Coordinator Maria Jacinto receives the Unsung Hero Friend of Housing Award at the 2020 Friend of Housing event, sponsored by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. You can watch a video featuring Maria here.
DESC congratulates our supporter Walsh Construction Co. for receiving the Inclusive Jobsite Award through ANEW for DESC’s Hobson Place jobsite/project.
2019NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Washington presents 11 Washington state legislators with Behavioral Health Champion awards for their work during the 2019 legislative session, DESC Deputy Director for Strategy, Rep. Nicole Macri (D-43rd District), among them. The legislators “showed an exceptional dedication to improving Washington’s behavioral health system.”
2018Our Mobile Crisis Team receives a proclamation from the Mayor of Auburn. September is “National Recovery Month,” and the MCT was recognized “as one of our (their) outstanding local agencies who works in the area of treatment and recovery.”
The Washington State Housing Finance Commission honors DESC Deputy Director for Strategy, Rep. Nicole Macri (D-43rd District), with a Friend of Housing Award. Recipients are nominated annually by their peers and colleagues working in the public, private, and independent sectors of the affordable housing industry. Honorees are selected for their leadership and exceptional contribution to provide safe, decent and affordable housing.
Awarded a VISION 2040 Award for The Estelle, recognizing the project’s contributions to affordable housing and healthcare in the region.
2014SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Solutions recognizes DESC for innovation and dedication to supporting the whole health of its clients as a SAMHSA Primary & Behavioral Health Care Integration Grantee.
2012Nonprofit Sector National Achievement Award from National Alliance to End Homelessness given to DESC for its ongoing efforts to end homelessness, particularly among those whose struggle with homelessness is compounded with mental illness and substance abuse.
2010Friend of Housing Award from Washington State Housing Finance Commission given to DESC for its 30 year quest to end homelessness of the community’s most vulnerable.Mentor Award from LeaderSpring presented to DESC in recognition of its commitment to innovation, excellence, and exchange of knowledge
Top 5 Most Influential Research Article from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “Health Care and Public Service Use and Costs Before and After Provision of Housing for Chronically Homeless Persons with Severe Alcohol Problems” for 1811 Eastlake.
Excellence in Construction Award, “Multi-Family” category from the Associated Builders and Contractors of Western Washington for Rainer House.
2009Builtsmart Certified Award from Seattle City Light for Rainier House.
SeaGreen Certified Award from the City of Seattle for Rainier House.
2008Home for Every American Award from the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness for service innovation for 1811 Eastlake.
Maxwell Award for Excellence from Fannie Mae Foundation and the Partnership to End Longterm Homelessness for 1811 Eastlake, a top national honor.
Readers’ Choice Awards: Special Needs Housing from the Affordable Housing Finance Magazine for Evans House, the November 2008 issue.
Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Award from the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition for Evans House, Honorable Mention.
2007Exemplary Program Award for Service Innovation from King County for 1811 EastlakeAnnual Award from the Washington Co-Occurring Disorders Inter-agency Advisory Committee (CODIAC) for 1811 Eastlake.
Green Communities Award from Enterprise for Evans House.
Builtsmart Certified Award from Seattle City Light for Evans House.
BuildGreen certified from the Master Builders Association for Evans House.
SeaGreen certified from the City of Seattle for Evans House.
2006Eagle of Excellence Award Associated Builders Contractors of Western Washington for The Morrison rehabilitation, the top annual honor presented.
2005Award of Excellence in Affordable Housing from MetLife and Enterprise Foundations for Kerner-Scott House, First Place in Supportive Housing
2004Award of Excellence in Affordable Housing from MetLife and Enterprise Foundations for The Lyon Building, Second Place in Property and Asset Management
2003Exemplary Program Award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (SAMHSA)
1999Best Practices Award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development