Qualitative studies add to the understanding of the lives of chronically homeless people served in housing first programs.

Interviews with and close observation of chronically homeless people after housing acquisition yield important insights into motivations and past experiences of participants. University of Washington researchers collaborating with DESC explored issues relevant to a female subpopulation in one study. In another, a focus on perceived positive and negative effects of alcohol use were explored to gain a stronger basis for the development of more tailored harm reduction interventions. A third study documented the experiences of residents and staff living and working in a Housing First program, identifying strengths and challenges of these programs. See the following publications:

A House is Not a Home: A Qualitative Assessment of the Life Experiences of Alcoholic Homeless Women – Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions (10:158-179, 2010)

Where Harm Reduction Meets Housing First: Exploring Alcohol’s Role in a Project-based Housing First Setting – International Journal of Drug Policy (Volume 23 | Issue 2, March 2012)

Exploring Transitions Within a Project-based Housing First Setting: Qualitative Evaluation and Practice Implications – Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Volume 23 | Issue 4, November 2012