Main Shelter

Now closed due to COVID-19

On a typical night, our emergency shelters are full to capacity. Our Main Shelter at The Morrison Hotel provides a nightly hot meal, brought in by FareStart, to clients staying in the shelter. During the day, clients assigned to a bunk at the Main Shelter can access case management services through our Housing Assistance Case Manager team; can be assigned a locker to store some of their belongings; and can receive free hygiene supplies, phone access, emergency clothing, and mail services.

The main shelter also offers on-site medical care, mental health counseling and chemical dependency counseling. A team of Housing Assistance case managers, three Information and Referral case managers and a chemical dependency counselor are sited in the shelter, as well as a registered nurse from Health Care for the Homeless. An ARNP or MD is also on site three (3) days a week to provide primary care services and follow-up for treatment clients have received elsewhere. Also, in coordination with University of Washington Family Medicine, the Community Health Advancement Program operates a weekly dermatology clinic. The health care clients receive in the shelter goes a long way toward preventing or postponing emergency room visits that are so costly to the community.