The Clinic at Hobson Place

2120 S. Plum St., Seattle, WA 98144

Phone: (206) 441-3043

AT DESC, our vision is to improve equity and social justice by improving health care in our community. Many people who experience homelessness live with serious behavioral health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression. Health care systems don’t offer these individuals what they need.

Health care should be accessible for those who most need it. With The Clinic at Hobson Place, DESC and Harborview Medical Center have established the first local full-scale health care clinic specifically designed to meet the complex needs of people living with disabilities who have experienced the longest periods of homelessness. 

The Clinic at Hobson Place offers primary care, support and advocacy from Harborview Medical Center and DESC for our community’s at-risk and vulnerable individuals. The new clinic will result in a healthier community for everyone by better addressing the health care needs of this group.